
Time and Cross-Temporal Relations

According to both ordinary and scientifi c thought, two objects can enter into relation not only simultanously, but also at different times, namely cross-temporally. For […]


Time without Becoming

Time without Becoming is the text of a lecture Quentin Meillassoux gave at the Middlesex University in May 2008. He makes a summary of the […]


The Oriental Cults in Roman Britain

What are the reasons behind the contamination of oriental cults in Roman Britain? What circumstances led to this spiritual upheaval, the results of which contributed […]

Cinema and Contemporary Art

Cinema and Art as Archive

As Jacques Derrida wrote in 1995, while considering Archive Fever, nothing is less reliable or less clear today than the word “archive”. Nevertheless, the historic-cultural dimension of the contemporary discursive practices in cinema and art develops in the semantic openendedness of the term, in the repositioning of the idea of archive.