The 19th Conference of the Society of Music Analysis and Theory (GATM) was held from 20 to 23 October, thanks to the hospitality and support of the Conservatory of Salerno. The conference was a success in terms of the participation and the undoubted scientific and artistic value achieved: this increase has been a trend in recent conferences of the Society of Music Analysis and Theory, as confirmed by the selection of papers presented in this volume. Thanks to the renewed support of the Conservatoire, the Society of Music Analysis and Theory has decided to publish in a special volume five papers presented at its conferences, which testify precisely to the breadth of theoretical and analytical research, the interest in topical issues and innovative approaches to ancient practices, naturally aimed at the development of artistic research.

Marina Mezzina is Professor of Music Theory and Perception at the Conservatorio di Musica in Salerno and, from 2019, Head of the Department of Music Theory and Analysis. She holds degrees in piano and vocal chamber music. She also holds a Master’s degree in music theory and analysis (thesis on Schenker’s early studies of the German Lied). Her main research interests are lieder, art songs and musical theatre, as well as early eighteenth-century compositional practice. Her publications include essays on Britten’s theatre, songs, aural training and music perception. She’s taken part in analytical conferences in Italy and Europe, and is vice-president of GATM and join the editorial team of RATM.

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