David Sylvian may be seen as a philosopher, in accordance with the postmodern spirit, who invalidates identity, preserving it at the level of nosound, in a troubled ego/others relationship. His most recent songs have been analysed, as well as the lyrics and Sylvian’s way of life (Tao). What emerges is the portrait of a character who absorbs elements both from the East and the West, where music is the goal of a path of Self-Realization, which brought Sylvian to conceive a new view of arrangement, increasingly deprived of its frills and capable of magnifying his voice. Sylvian shows everybody that silence may become an integral part of music towards nonsense, or the recovery of existential nudity.
Leonardo Vittorio Arena teaches History of Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophies of the Far East at the University of Urbino (Italy). An Orientalist and a philosopher, he wrote a lot of books for the main Italian publishers, such as Arnoldo Mondadori and Rizzoli. His philosophy is explained in the ebooks Nonsense as the Meaning and Note ai margini del nulla. His philosophical blog is: leonardovittorioarena. wordpress.com.