This special issue of Cinéma&Cie aims at pushing the discussion on the relationships between avant-garde arts and popular culture far beyond traditional scholarship on the topic, stressing the concept of cultural history more than the specificity of film, media and music histories. By adopting a global perspective, the authors will elaborate useful analytical and theoretical tools to re-assess the “avantpop connection” as a dynamics of two-way exchanges across several artistic and media domains and different geographical and historical contexts.

Simone Dotto, François Mouillot and Maria Teresa Soldani, Avant into Pop, Pop into Avant. Interplays between Music and Visual Media

Marie Sophie Beckmann, It wasn’t…pristine: (Re-)visiting the New York Film Festival Downtown

Francesco Spampinato, Cathode Mamma: Post-punk and Television in Italy

Donal Fullam, The Avant-Garde Roots of Video Game Music and Algorithmic Culture

Sandra Lischi and Matias Guerra, Imaginary Video Landscape: John Cage, Mugam Music, Video Art

Gauri Nori, Tuning into the Radio in Experimental Films from India

Runchao Liu, Visions of China: Avant-Orientalism, Art Rock, and Conflicted Otherness


Ana Ramos, Vertov et la Perception-caméra