In Imagining the Heavens across Eurasia, 20 authors tell in novel ways the histories of astral knowledge through objects and their imagery. These objects include, […]
Category: Art
From the visual to the visionary. Surrealist trajectories in art
This book aims to investigate Surrealism’s precedents in visual tradition and to explore its influence on contemporary art. Taking the ideational power of vision as […]
Leonora Carrington. The image of Dreams
In her youth, Leonora Carrington (1917 – 2011) was a runaway English debutante and a fledgling Surrealist in prewar Paris. In her old age she […]
Great Art Critics (1750-2000). Emergence and Development of a Profession in Permanent Crisis: From the Enlightenment to Postmodernity
The art world has become a point of contention within a range of debates and yet, strangely enough, while art criticism has been discussed at […]
Autoréférence Infinie: Individual, Community and History in Miquel Barceló’s Works
In past years Miquel Barceló has been depicted in various albeit contrasting ways. He has been acclaimed as: the new Picasso, the rebel, the genius […]
Sunniness in Painting. From Edward Hopper to David Hockney
Since the middle of the twentieth century, visual art has displayed an ambivalent nature, torn between the poles of abstractionism and realism, conceptual and postmodern, […]
Tangible Whispers, Neglected Encounters. Histories of East-west Artistic Dialogues 14th-20th Century
The relationship between East and West remains a topic of burning timeliness, particularly in its political dimension. Yet, we can gain a complete understanding of […]
The snowy snap. The Story of Chaturman Rai, Himalayan folk-photographer and film-maker
In a remote village of eastern Nepal, lacking electricity and any other facilities, Chaturman, a farmer belonging to the Kulung Rai ethnic group, has for […]