In this eco-philosophical epistolary dialogue, the two authors engage in a captivating dialogue about the pre-civilisation foundations of our culture, about processes of alienation and […]
Category: Atmospheric Spaces
Tonino Griffero (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
Marco Tedeschini (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
Executive Secretary:
Sara Borriello, Serena Massimo (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
Committee Members:
Niels Albertsen (Aarhus School of Architecture), Jean-François Augoyard (CNRS – Grenoble), Bruce Bégout (Bordeaux Montaigne University), Arnold Berleant (Emeritus – Long Island University), Mikkel Bille (University of Copenhagen), Gernot Böhme († IPPh – Darmstadt), Christian Borch (University of Copenhagen), Gabor Csepregi (St. Paul’s College – University of Manitoba), Federico De Matteis (University of L’Aquila), Christoph Demmerling (Friedrich Schiller University – Jena), Gianni Francesetti (IPsiG – Turin), Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg University Hospital), Michael Großheim (Rostock University), Robert Gugutzer (Goethe University – Frankfurt), Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University), Jürgen Hasse (Goethe University – Frankfurt), Michael Hauskeller (University of Liverpool), Timothy Ingold (University of Aberdeen), Christian Julmi (University of Hagen), Rainer Kazig (CNRS – Grenoble), Robert J. Kozljanic (Albunea Verlag – Munich; Nietzsche-Forum – Munich), Hilge Landweer (Free University of Berlin), David Le Breton (University of Strasbourg), Juhani Pallasmaa (Aalto University), Alberto Pérez-Gómez (McGill University – Montreal, Quebec), Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (University of Westminster – London), Hermann Schmitz († Emeritus – Kiel University), David Seamon (Kansas State University), Giovanni Stanghellini (Gabriele d’Annunzio University – Chieti; Diego Portales University – Santiago), Shanti Sumartojo (Monash University), Jean-Paul Thibaud (CNRS – Grenoble).
Associate Members:
Aurosa Alison (Polytechnic University of Milan), Valeria Bizzari (Catholic University of Leuven), Guenda Bernegger (SUPSI – Switzerland), Alessandro Bertinetto (University of Turin), Margit Brunner (University of Adelaide), Elisabetta Canepa (Manhattan, Kansas / University of Genoa), Barbara Carnevali (EHESS – Paris), Vincenzo Costa (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University- Milan), Elisabetta Di Stefano (University of Palermo), Mădălina Diaconu (University of Vienna), Carsten Friberg (Independent Researcher – Copenhagen), Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak (CNRS – École Normale Supérieure – Paris), Julian Hanich (University of Groningen), Dehlia Hannah (Arizona State University), Klaske M. Havik (Delft University of Technology), Christiane Heibach (FHNW Basel; University of Regensburg), Maximilian Gregor Hepach (University of Cambridge), Yuho Hisayama (Kobe University), George Home-Cook (Independent Researcher – UK), Veronica Iubei (Heidelberg University) Steffen Kluck (Rostock University), Reinhardt Knodt (Independent Researcher – Berlin), Joel Krueger (University of Exeter), Wendelin Küpers (Karlshochschule – Karlsruhe), Rita Messori (University of Parma), Eugenio Morello (Polytechnic University of Milan), Werner Müller-Pelzer (Fachhochschule – Dortmund), Irina Oznobikhina (European University – St. Petersburg), Barbara Piga (Polytechnic University of Milan), Matthew Pritchard (University of Leeds), Tiziana Proietti (Oklahoma University), Andreas Rauh (University of Würzburg), Friedlind Riedel (Bauhaus University – Weimar), Simon Runkel (Friedrich Schiller University – Jena), Susanne Schmitt (Independent Researcher – Munich), Sara Asu Schroer (University of Oslo), Renata Scognamiglio (Sapienza University – Rome), Antonio Somaini (Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris 3), Anette Stenslund (Roskilde University), Thomas Szanto (University of Copenhagen), Juha Torvinen (University of Helsinki), Dylan Trigg (University of Vienna), Silvia Vizzardelli (University of Calabria), Izabela Wieczorek (University of Reading), Barbara Wolf (Kolping Hochschule – Cologne), Penelope Woods (Queen Mary University – London).
Atmospheres in Everyday Life. On Existential Spatiality
What kind of mood does a late-night walk in a city evoke? Is there a distinct ambiance of the desert or the city? How can […]
The contagious joy of a party, the solemn silence in a church, the gloomy atmosphere of endless rows of identical houses in an ugly city. […]
Osmospheres. Smell, Atmosphere, Food
Offering an overview on the relationships between smell and atmospheres as proposed by philosophy and the humanities, this volume interprets the “olfactive” as a cross-sensory, […]
Architecture Is Atmosphere. Notes on Empathy, Emotions, Body, Brain, and Space
This book explores the atmospheric issue from a connotatively architectural perspective. It is a journey through the maze of atmospheric poetics, articulated in five stages. […]
The Atmospheric “We”. Moods and Collective Feelings
What contribution can the atmospherological approach make to the debate on collective feelings? In answering this question, the book provides a brief introduction to the […]
Phenomenology of Wind and Atmosphere
Tadashi Ogawa brings together the ancient East Asian idea of ki (気) and standpoints of European philosophy. Wind, atmosphere and breathing are formless, invisible and […]
Human Space
Human Space is a study of space as we experience it, and how this experience is expressed in our culture and imagination. Showing a great […]
Resounding Spaces. Approaching Musical Atmospheres
Despite being often considered the most atmospheric of the arts, music has stayed largely outside the atmospherological debate: a sufficiently in-depth investigation on the atmospheric […]